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How to Clean Cabinets Before Painting: A Fun, Easy Guide


Hey there, future DIY master! So, you've decided to give your cabinets a fresh coat of paint. Awesome choice! But before you dive into the world of color swatches and paintbrushes, there's a crucial step you can't skip: cleaning those cabinets. Don't worry, though; I've got your back with a fun and easy guide. Let's get scrubbing!

Step 1: Assemble Your Cleaning Arsenal

First things first, let's gather your cleaning supplies. Here's what you'll need:

  • Degreaser
  • Green Scouring Pad
  • Old Toothbrush (for those tough spots)
  • A bucket of warm water
  • Lint Free Rags
  • Rubber gloves (to keep your hands looking fabulous)

Missing Something? No Problem! 

Step 2: Clear the Clutter

Before you start cleaning, make sure to empty your countertops and remove all the items from inside your cabinets. Take out all the dishes, pots, pans, and random items you've stashed away over the years. Use this opportunity to declutter—say goodbye to that lonely Tupperware lid that doesn't fit anything!

Step 3: Scrub-a-Dub-Dub

Spray the degreaser on your cabinet fronts and get scrubbing with a green scrubbie. Seriously, don't skip this part! You'll be amazed (and maybe a little grossed out) at what comes off. Even the most meticulous cleaners will find that years of cooking and just living leave your cabinets pretty nasty. Use the scrubbie for the larger surfaces and a toothbrush for those pesky gaps and hard-to-reach areas. Don't forget the edges, corners, and handles! For those stubborn spots, sprinkle a bit of baking soda directly onto your sponge for some extra oomph.

After scrubbing, wipe everything down with a wet, lint-free rag. Rinse the rag often so you're not just spreading dirty water around.

Step 5: Spot Check & Air Dry

Once you've scrubbed all the surfaces and wiped away the degreaser with a damp cloth, it's time to let everything dry. Seriously, don't rush this part! Give it at least 4 hours, but if you can, let it sit overnight. Your patience will be rewarded!

Want more info on the next steps?  Head over to my Youtube Channel for detailed videos on the cabinet painting process.  

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